Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013

This year we're helping Daddy make a purchase he probably wouldn't otherwise make. He works so hard but rarely does anything for himself, so this Father's Day I knew I wanted to help him by getting a gift certificate to Kelly Co. so that he can get juuuuuust the right metal detector that he wants. He has an okay one now but I know you get what you pay for and Kelly Co has some awesome brands and a couple in particular I have overheard my husband talking about! So in lieu of the actual gift, my Uncle Dan (an avid metal detecting man himself) helped me come up with the awesome idea to have a treasure hunt. So I got the boys involved and we hid a few pieces of paper with coins attached so come Father's Day we can head out to our yard  (with the old metal detector) and find the treasure!!! We also made a treasure map!  Luckily my husband isn't a daily reader of my blog -- so please if you read this --no spilling the beans to him ahead of time!!

William actually drew the number 100, which little did he know was perfect to use for this since we bought Daddy the gift cert for Kelly Co!!! 

Here is Will's 100!! 

Our (clue) treasure legend for Daddy's treasures throughout the yard 

Let the digging and burying begin!

We put each of the 4 pieces of paper, one a piece in a plastic Baggie (I recommend Presto brand -- LOVE those bags!!!!) to keep them from dirt and water and worms and bugs and such until we dig them up again in another week or so! 

Diggin deep!!!! 

I love watching them work together!!! Makes mama proud! 

Last hole!!

Putting in our coin baggie.

Patting it down, so Daddy will never know! Shhhhhhhh!!!!!!! It's a secret!! (I hope they can keep it!)

Aaannnd we can't dig in the dirt without searching & collecting  a few worms too!!!

This is going to be a great Father's Day adventure!! What are you doing this year for Father's Day? Do you have any special memories as a parent or with your dad? Do share! :) 

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