Thursday, August 21, 2014

Faith answered

When we don't have answers to our questions, whether future or present, we tend to try to fix and cultivate our own plan. The deeper we get into our plan, the less we involve God, aaaaaannnd the self-minded project begins to grow. 

At what point do we invite God in? And if we forget to or don't know how to, how do we go about adding Him in to this plan of OURS? Thankfully, I believe God sees and knows our heart. I tend to compare my attitude as a gauge for where my heart is at. If I am struggling with something it shows in my everyday life. The fact that the above plan was so selfish and not at all God-centered is key #1! Include God! 

I have been studying Job the past month and a half. While I knew his lfe in a nutshell, I never sat and read chapter by chapter in the Bible. There are all sorts of nuggets of goodies to take away. Particularly pertaining to my topic today I find solice and familiarity in Job 23:5, "I would learn what He would answer me, and understand why He would say to me."

I started out reading Job because I was struggling with a particular issue and it was ongoing and I had always did my best to schluffed it off to the side and (try to) be on my best behavior, but my spirit was hungry for more of God's truth. Trying to be nice only works when a person alctually does.  I knew I had a cold heart towards this issue, but hoped it would work itself out. I didn't fully bring it before God, and rarely did I make myself accountable for my thoughts and actions. Once I confessed and got back in line with Christ and who He has made me to be and my role and purpose, I then found the beginning to some answers. 

As it reads in Job 23:10 "But he knows te way that I take [He has concern for it appreciates, and pays attention to it]. When He has tried me, I shall come forth as refined gold [pure and luminuous].

You see, there is no such thing as trusting God without all our questions answered. If we know the answers, we have no need to trust God. 

Even as I write this I think to myself, 'Okay God, I have done well with this. I think I get it now. I have semi-mastered trust. Everytime I get into a situation where I need to trust You, I'll remember this time and be able to quote this scripture or reread this post and it'll solve my problem by inspiring me to have faith and trust you as I know to do and was reminded by your Spirit and Word.  BUT, that's not such the case, I believe as long as we are alive on this earth we will have things we do not understand. The sooner we can learn to trust God in the midst, the better. Please, say it with me today as you read this. I also encourage you to write it down and post in somewhere in your home or car, "God, I don't understand, but I trust You." 

Keep on keeping on my friend and be bold knowing Christ will never leave you not forsake you! He is working out His plan in and through you!! Take heart, even though sometimes you may not understand the why, we understand the Who!