Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Bunnies

In prep for Easter, I had a few craft ideas I wanted to do with the boys. They didn't all get executed & our bunny ended up being a little slower of a project than I anticipated. For now, here's what we've got!

I drew a bunny on a big piece of paper & cut it out & we taped it on the window. We gave it a nice bushy cottontail.

I have a list of real Easter bunnies characteristics. My point in doing this craft was to bring the Americanized Easter version to point back to Christ, so I tried to visually make a craft to go with each 8 numbers you see listed on the white paper & then a relateable Bible verse as well.

I wrote out some random sins on scarlet red paper and we taped them up and talked about them & then covered each one with a piece a paper towel I had previously cut, to resemble Jesus washing our sins away and leaving us white as snow.

We cut out a carrot & radish to sympbolize our need to feed on God's Word everyday.

We cut out special insides to the ears as we are to listen and obey to the instructions of God.

We also gave him a heart w/a verse as well :)

More to come but we had an interruption & will be back at it later this month. I'll be sure to post the other numbers, verses, & lessons!

1 comment:

  1. I love it - so creative! :) Of course, I should expect nothing less from you. It's so important to communicate the real meaning of Holidays to children and instill these values at such a young age. I look forward to having kiddos of my own some day and using these ideas! Love you, girl!
